Privacy Statement is a membership site servicing travel and information requirements specific to our membership. Some areas of our website require a membership login and membership profile submissions will be qualified.
Membership Profile maintenance will be requested from time to time and renewal of membership will have profile maintenance as a basic requirement. Through this privacy statement you are informed how your personal information will be used upon acceptance as a member. This information will only be used for the execution of agreements or orders and to keep you informed about special offers from our carefully selected partners.
In applying for a membership through the internet you will be asked to fill in several profile fields. This information, e.g. name, address, email address and telephone number etc, will be stored in a database which will be used to execute and manage your requests. If necessary we will supply your data to third parties in order to fulfill your requests.
Your details are important to us and we keep your information safe. We understand that some of you may be in sensitive locations or involved in sensitive work.
In addition, feel free to query the lengths we will go to protect your privacy. We do have call back options and many of the required fields for our membership profile can be left blank if you need us to call someone in leadership off the field.
We do have to verify that our clients are truly charity workers and we do this with a very easy to use web based application. Our responsibility to those who provide information on our member pages is very important to us. This information can be sensitive at times and we want to ensure those who are looking at it are indeed qualified to do so.
Our internet site can contain links to other sites which are not a part of We are not responsible for these sites and how, (but not limited to), they will handle your privacy.
Your personal data can be removed from our database upon request, only when all financial obligations regarding agreements and/or subscriptions have been met. This needs to be requested by sending an email to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address). It may take up to six weeks to process your request.
On this website we use cookies to store your personal information. Next time you visit the site your information can be found quickly. Thanks to these cookies it is not necessary to repeat filling in certain forms. However, it is possible to disable or enable cookies.
Commissions may be earned on sales resulting from banner ads on our site.
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