Terms & Conditions
1. Definition These terms are applicable to all agreements made and/or orders placed through, but not limited to, the internet with Go2serve.com. These terms are applicable to everyone ordering products and services or other means of information and to everyone subscribing to any of our products including those services of our partners. No members information is sold or relayed to any third party. Members email will be used for marketing purposes only within the confines of Go2Serve.com offerings and under its sole direction. Let it be noted, however, that Third Parties listed on Go2Serve.com will have their own policies in this regard.
2. Pricing All pricing of tickets or other products are inclusive of sales taxes and are published with the reserved right to modify air taxes in accordance with changes imposed by various governments and or airlines with regard to fuel surcharges up to the moment of issuance of the said tickets. Cash prices (bank transfer or ACH) are always available unless otherwise indicated. Payments are accepted with Credit card or bank transfer. All major credit cards internationally are accepted. If the member has a US based bank account a cash payment through ACH is possible. For members with bank accounts in other countries we offer a wire service for payment into our accounts resulting in very low fees (average 2-10USD) and accepting your local currency.
1. Getting a Quote Actual taxes will be determined at the time of booking flights. Additional information may include booking class, routing, minimum/maximum stay, flight restrictions and delivery fees. All rates are subject to change until purchased. Insurance policies are subject to exchange rate differences between time of quotation and delivery.
2. Purchasing It is imperative that you review the reservation or quotation for accuracy. It is your responsibility to report your complete passport name for ticketing. Most credit cards are accepted. When a third party credit card is used, (paying for a ticket not in your name) you may be requested to fax or email a copy of the card (front and back) along with a copy of that cardholder’s driver’s licence or other identity document and signature.
3. Tickets or policies are sent via email. Important: You are responsible to reconfirm flights with the airline 72 hours before departure each way.
4. Delivery All deliveries will be for the most part electronic. Your tickets and/or policies will arrive to the email address as registered in your membership.
5. Claims and Responsibilities In cases where refunds are required, our travel operations centre will be in contact directly with instructions on how to proceed, cancellation charges involved and the approximate time of a refund being received by you. (This can range between 2 months and one year) In cases where date changes are required after issuance of tickets. Please note that in many cases airlines will charge for this service. You will be informed of the fee and upon your approval requested by our operations centre to pay this fee before your change is made. We accept no responsibility for damages or loss arising from a member not having the proper visa or documentation whereby travel is aborted. We will assist as much as possible to change travel dates or start a refund process.
6. Payment Payment is to be made either by bank transfer to our accounts in the USA or with the member’s credit card online. Third party or international cards can be accepted in our system and are handled securely.
7. Communications Go2serve.com is not responsible for wrong or delayed information regarding orders made through, but not limited to, the internet.
8. Copyright All rights, including copyright and database right, in the Go2serve.com website and its contents, are owned by or licenced to Go2serve.com, or otherwise used by Go2serve.com as permitted by applicable law. In accessing the Go2serve.com web pages, you agree that you will access the content solely for your own private use but not for any commercial or public use. You can download and use the service on a single CPU at a time, and you can print out a single hard copy of any part of the content on the website for your personal use. Except as permitted above, you undertake not to copy, store in any medium (including in any other website), distribute, transmit, re-transmit, broadcast, modify, or show in public any part of the Go2serve.com website without the prior written permission of Go2serve.com.
9. General Go2serve.com reserves the right to reject or terminate agreements or orders placed by, but not limited to, the internet. In the event that Go2serve.com has allowed amicable changes in these terms and conditions, for a short or longer period, the right remains reserved to demand full compliance of these terms and conditions. On all agreements US Law will be applicable.
10. Proof of Affiliation/Qualification of Membership Membership is required and membership profile submissions will be qualified. Membership Profile maintenance will be requested from time to time and renewal of membership will have profile maintenance as a basic requirement. Airlines at any point may ask you to present proof of your affiliation to a humanitarian or non-profit organisation at the airport if you have purchased humanitarian fare. It is rare, but a good idea to be prepared. Any of the examples below are acceptable forms of proof: Your Non- profit Business Card A letter from a Non-profit organisation An email from a Non-profit organisation or a volunteer card.

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